You want to give them a childhood they don't spend their adult years healing from

and you know that you're still healing too

you know how you
want to be,
as their mom.

yet, how you think, feel, behave, & respond is often from your wounds
& not from your love.

there's a gap

between how you desire to be
how you often show up

a gap filled with
worry, fear, doubt, & guilt

inside this training you'll learn how to
bridge that gap  

give them the childhood they are worthy of

being 'fully healed'
decades of therapy
Effing it/them up

inside this training you'll learn 

  • WHY you're struggling to consistently & effectively implement all that your heart & logical mind desire as a mom to your young child(ren). 

  • HOW to show up as & be the mom that you desire to be for your young child(ren) while growing & evolving through motherhood.

  • HOW to truly break detrimental familial, cultural, generational cycles of belief & behavior for your child(ren) & future generations.


If any mom is "supposed" to struggle & continue cycles, it's me. 

I'm a 24/7 solo mom. 
Divorced, no shared custody, no child support.

I chose to throw out the "single moms struggle" belief
with a heap of other "good mom" & "good kid" related BS.
I threw it right in the garbage.
Out of my mind & our reality for good.

My daughter just completed her 7th year of life
and I know, with certainty, that I've instilled in her an unshakeable foundation of unconditional love & self worth, upon which she will build the rest of her life. 

And I, myself, have enjoyed these years, growing & evolving in joy, peace, patience, love, courage, clarity, & self trust. 

I'm passionate about showing moms of young children
a NEW path to cycle breaking success & personal evolution.

Ignite Your Heart & Befriend Your Brain
Get Your Thoughts & Emotions
on Your Team

YOU are the one.
Now is the time.

I'M READY TO show you the way!

register for free